Edgar Bain, father of the modern heat treatments

Cited in every reference material on the subject, Edgar Bain, between the two World Wars, wrote the book on modern metallurgy. His works describing the many heat treatment processes (particularly tempering and stress relieving) remain relevant to this day in the...

What follows quenching?

The processes involved in steel quenching and tempering are as old as time. For the last 3000 years, we’ve known that rapid quenching of a red hot sickle blade in whale oil improves its mechanical properties, which nevertheless remain weak upon usage, unless the blade...

Our metallurgical approach

The auto part construction industry is booming and constantly evolving. Because production parameters for these types of parts call for increasingly advanced technology, our processes must be continuously optimised to the max to maintain our pole position ahead of the...

The scientific cornerstones of our expertise

To understand the underlying principles of our heat treatment processes, please read the relevant documentation on the subject in the Customer Reports section of our website. Allow me to introduce the fundamental principles supporting our innovative approach, namely,...

Welcome to Pyromaître!

Welcome! This is my first attempt at the wonderful world of blogging. Because of the growing demand for free expert advice of all kinds, my blogs will focus on certain specific heat treatments, particularly stress relief and tempering. Pyromaître manufactures ovens...
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