Tempering ovens
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CV Joints
High-speed tempering of Constant Velocity Joints is one of the many successful examples our innovation. The story began with the acceptance of high-speed tempering at the Ford Motor Company in 1999. With an aggressive 10-minutes cycle time, manual part handling was eliminated, and work-in-process reduced by 90%. Many major CVJ suppliers have since replaced their in-line induction tempering process with Pyromaitre’s high-speed technology. As the induction tempering process was once the bottleneck of the production line, its elimination allowed line capacity to almost double. This application is now an integral part of the automotive industry.
Leaf Springs
The leaf spring market has presented several opportunities for conversion to lean tempering. In addition to the significant speed advantages (40 minutes as compared to the conventional 2 hours) our ovens deliver further operating-cost advantages. While conventional ovens require a 3 million BTU burner system, a Pyro oven with the same output only requires a 1.5 million BTU burner system. Moreover, the shorter oven length enables the use of air cooling rather than the use of water.
High-speed tempering of axle shafts is another great example of Pyro precision tempering. Pyro installed three systems with two global manufacturers, producing over 1 million axle shafts annually. In one case, a mezzanine-mounted monorail trolley conveyor tempering oven at 100-minutes cycle time and 350 parts in-process was replaced with a floor-mounted 20-minute tempering process with only 70 parts in-process. Potential applications for this technology are almost infinite. Pyromaitre has made its mark on the automobile industry .
Torsion tubes
Another Pyromaitre success story concerns tempering of hydro-formed torsion tubes. The conventional process was a 60-minute continuous batch process with an incredible 1056 parts per batch. The lean solution delivered on three different continents uses a 10-minute process with only 60 parts. This high-speed processing provides the opportunity for single-piece workflow thus eliminating part fixtures and external handling equipment. Additional benefits include a simplified and more robust robotics program and significantly reduced capital investment.
Pyro first designed ovens for springs. The first high-speed oven was designed for a spring manufacturer, and all the future models were based around this application. While most spring makers struggle with CrSi applications, our customers are able to stress relief torsion springs of tight tolerances in minutes. A 6mm wire CrSi can be completely stress relieved in 3 minutes in a Pyro oven while maintaining the precision obtained by the coiler. With a Pyromaitre oven, suspension-spring makers stress relieve 13mm in 6 minutes. This is also applicable for other materials.
Other industrial oven applications
Stress Relieving
The benefits of high-speed stress relief are most relevant in the suspension-spring industry. This is one of the many applications where Pyromaitre has enjoyed its greatest success…
Stress Relieving
The benefits of high-speed stress relief are most relevant in the suspension-spring industry. This is one of the many applications where Pyromaitre has enjoyed its greatest success…